Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Pitching a Feeling...

My first reaction to the Think Different Apple commercial was, "Wow, how inspiring!" That is of course right up until the end, when the intriguing slogan, "Think Different" and the famous Apple logo popped up to reveal what was really going on. However, not all people would feel this way. I believe that in this particular ad, they're not pitching Apple products specifically, but instead they're pitching an idea. More specifically, a feeling.

Right at the very beginning of the commercial, the narrator says, "Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels..." and he says it with a slight emphasis in his voice. The commercial wants to emphasize rebellion, because this is what sells. They want to pitch that idea, and that feeling of living life of the edge, and specifically being different.

By presenting this "feeling" or sensation of rebellion, the person viewing the commercial automatically associates rebellion and being different, with Apple. Not just Apple, but also buying their products as well. Rather than conform to become the regular Microsoft user, why not do something different?? I'll go out on a limb, and buy a Mac!! is issentially what is happening.

It's not just pitching rebellion however, it's pitching it so in a positive light. By showing distinct individuals in history, be it John Lennon, Einstein, or Amelia Airheart, a very positive and light-hearted connotation is delivered to the ad as well. It's good to be different, it's good to rebel!
Buy from Apple and you'll be doing yourself good!

Now, I'm not saying being different and standing up for what you believe in isn't right, far from it. Instead, I comment on how rather than pitching a product to sell, Apple had decided on pitching a feeling. And by the looks of it, it didn't seem like a half bad idea.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Not a bad idea at all!

The modern Mac ads, ("Hello I'm a Mac") are still setting up the comparison between them, the young, hip ones, and Microsoft...the pudgy middle-agers in stuffy suits. I think it's actually rather brilliant how they make such a believable parallel between the products and the supposed people who like them.