John Stewart
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart as defined by its website, “takes a reality-based look at news, trends, pop culture, current events, politics, sports and entertainment with an alternative point of view. In each show, anchorman Jon Stewart and a team of correspondents,… comment on the day's stories, employing actual news footage, taped field pieces, in-studio guests and on-the-spot coverage of important news events.” (Comedy Central)
However, the site also phrases, “One anchor, five correspondents, zero credibility.” (Comedy Central)
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart is an alternative broadcast featured on Comedy Central, which is owned by Viacom. The show is best known for using satire to parody the mainstream news, more specifically corporately owned, right wing nightly news stations and their broadcasts.
The public audience for years have relied on these night news broadcasts as a way to receive and transmit information regarding world events, and current up to date facts. However, post 9-11, more and more of the public have been searching for alternative news. This is because of many factors, including the public being tired of watching repeatedly overplayed news coverage on world issues, and the hype and propoganda which is being deployed by even the more trusted news stations. Jon Stewart proves to be both entertaining, as well as informative regarding current events and updated news. “The Daily Show has been airing for 6 years, has 1.7 million television viewers, a wide audience who view TDS online, and a larger segment of age 18-31 viewers than any other U.S. nightly news show (Friend 28)” (Boler, 3).
Is it good or bad for people to rely on satirical based broadcasting to gain information?
“One’s understanding of political jokes obviously depends on one’s understanding of politics…” (Boler, 2)
- although it is productive for the audience to be turning to shows like John Stewart as an alternative to the mainstream media, it may not be wise to base all attention to satirical “fake news”
- audience must be able to comprehend the general idea of what is happening in the news, politically, socially, and economically, in order to not only comprehend the humour and appreciate it, but also to help enhance a better awareness of what is happening and to form either conforming or opposing opinions.
- if people are uninformed, The Daily Show instead can be defined as “mindless entertainment”.
- without being conscious of other news sources, the public not only alienates themselves
to one viewpoint, but as well is left without a better understanding of what is being viewed.
- because The Daily Show is owned by the Viacom corporation, there still lies the posiblity of the corportionations views and opnions being broadcasted, instead of satiracal “fake news”
In the Death of Media, the "TEN STEPS OF WHAT TO DO", the first and perhaps most valuable step is for the audience/public to “Become conscious of the power of media in shaping our political agendas. Recognize the important of learning more about its impact, and why media has to become an issue in all social change work” (Schechter)
Schechter, Danny. Death of Media: And The Fight To Save Democracy. Melville House Publishing, 2005.
Boler, Meaghan. "The Transmission of Political Critique after 9/11: "A New Form of Desperation"?." Volume 9, Issue 1Mar 2006 5.
Comedy Central, "About The Show." The Daily Show With John Stewart. Comedy Central. 04 Feb 2008
thanks for posting your presentation notes for the class. i think it's helpful to see how you've approached the seminar and to understand how you've worked through the texts (in this case, the readings by schechter and boler).
nice work.
keep writing,
I think the only point there I have to disagree with is the one that says The Daily Show is mindless entertainment when you don't really "get" the joke. If somebody doesn't know the context of a joke, at least they're now more likely to go and find out what the story is. That's gotta count for something.
Interesting topic!
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